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How To Maximize Returns On Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaigns

Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies, but it is often overlooked and there are a lot of misconceptions about its effectiveness. There are a lot of people out there that say it isn’t worth investing your money in because you don’t see good returns from it, and you’d be better off putting your money into other marketing techniques. However, the people that find that they are not getting results from pay-per-click ads are often making some big mistakes. 

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When used correctly, pay-per-click ads are a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website and increase sales. They’re also very cost-effective because you are only paying when somebody clicks the link and ends up on your site. A large percentage of those clicks won’t convert, but you are still seeing increased traffic levels. But you will only get the benefit if you plan and execute your pay-per-click strategy in the right way, and a lot of businesses get it wrong. 

If you are not seeing the results that you expect from your pay-per-click marketing strategy, here are some simple ways that you can improve things. 

Have A Clear Goal 

Before you can do anything, it’s important that you have a clear goal in mind. A lot of businesses are too vague about what they are trying to achieve, and that makes it harder to create a coherent strategy for your pay-per-click ads. You may decide that you want more traffic on your site, which is a good start, but it’s nowhere near specific enough. It’s important that you know what kind of traffic you are trying to get. Is there a certain demographic that is not responding to your other marketing strategies? Are you hoping to draw traffic that is interested in a specific product to boost sales? Maybe you want to boost overall sales? It’s important that you answer these kinds of questions and you have a clear idea of exactly what you are trying to achieve with this pay-per-click strategy. 

The keywords that you choose will be impacted by this and it’s important that you pick the right keywords for your strategy. You can only do that once you have a clear strategy in place, so this is always the best place to start. Once you know what it is that you are trying to achieve, you need to find a way to measure your success. Set clear goals that you hope to reach (percentage increase in traffic or sales, for example), from the very beginning. This will help you to determine whether your pay-per-click strategy is working or not. 

Consider Hiring Professionals 

In some cases, the best course of action is to outsource your pay-per-click strategy to somebody that knows what they are doing. This is especially true for small businesses that do not have a very large marketing team. Pay-per-click strategies only work well when the right keywords are selected and your bidding strategy is optimized, and if you don’t know how to do that, you will not see good returns. Luckily, there are some great digital marketing agencies (like this one at who know this stuff inside out. You are far more likely to see a good return on your pay-per-click strategy if you outsource to a third party. As long as you are clear on your goals and you can communicate them to your digital marketing agency properly, you will get the results that you want. 

If you don’t want to go down this route and you want to manage your pay-per-click ads for yourself, keep reading for some important tips. 

Measure The Performance Of Keywords 

Your keywords are the foundation of your pay-per-click ads, so if you want to maximize your returns, it’s important that you measure the performance of keywords and make changes to optimize them. It’s best to start with a relatively wide range of keywords that you think will play well with the demographic that you are targeting. Then, after your ads have been running for a while, you can check the performance reports and see which ones are working best for you. 

These high performing keywords are the ones that are generating clicks, driving traffic, and boosting sales. This is where you need to put your money, and you need to abandon the lowest-performing keywords. There are a few types of low performing keywords that you need to watch out for. Firstly, keywords that make no impressions. This means that nobody is searching for that keyword, so that ad is doing nothing for you. Monitor these keywords and if there is no improvement after a week, go ahead and delete them. There are also keywords that have a lot of impressions, but not very many clicks. This means that people are searching for the keywords, but they are not very relevant to your site. It’s important that you target your keywords so they are relevant to the searches that people are making. 

Once you measure and adjust your keywords, you should find that you get more impressions and, most importantly, more clicks. 

Use Negative Keywords 

Using negative keywords is very important because it helps you to filter out the wrong type of traffic which is wasting your ad budget. For example, if you run a car dealership that only sells second-hand cars, you don’t want clicks from people that are searching specifically for new cars. However, if you add the negative keyword ‘new car,’ you will ensure that people are only clicking your ad if it is relevant to them and the irrelevant traffic is filtered out. This improves your ad targeting and stops you from wasting money by paying for irrelevant clicks. 

Create A Good Ad 

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This is something that is often overlooked because businesses are so focused on creating the best keyword strategy. But even though the keywords are important, you have to remember that nobody is going to click the ad unless it is compelling and persuasive. Make sure that you dedicate enough time to creating good quality ads that will catch the attention of potential customers and encourage them to click through to your site. Visit for a great guide on writing better pay-per-click ad copy. 

Pay-per-click advertising can be an incredibly effective marketing strategy as long as you follow these basic tips. 

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