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Marketing the Exciting, Exotic and Extremely Erotic: An Interview with Author Eden Baylee

A bigger challenge is that the genre of erotica can be misunderstood at times. When a friend suggested my book for her ladies’ book club, the other women refused to add it to their list. Some people consider it porn and think it’s just page after page of sex. Well, I’m telling you right now, erotica is not just about pounding sexual images into the reader’s mind, it’s not page after page of sex because that would be damn boring—an instructional sex manual at best. God knows when you get that technical; there is nothing erotic about it!

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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Measure PR

Excerpted below is a great article from Ragan Communications about PR measurement. Check this out then click on the link at the end of the excerpt for more. Being a measurement evangelist feels like really hard work sometimes. On the one hand, I haven’t been at it long enough to complain […] But aren’t there […]

Flipped Off?

Flip will continue to be available through our online and in-store retailers as well as our Flip store while supplies last.

We’re Still Here. Are You?

Just wanted to say that despite warnings to the contrary, the world has not ended. So why not join our Facebook community today and post “I’m still here!”

PR Tip #239 Get It In Writing

If you think you lost money on a job–then it’s (most likely) your fault–not the client’s. Why? Because if you spelled out what you would and would not do in the time and/or within the budget allotted, then your chances of losing money are very small.

The Top 5 Office Communication Mistakes

The truth is that most of us can improve our workplace effectiveness exponentially by becoming better communicators on the job.

Indie Music Marketing in the Age of Twitter

I use (maybe overuse) Twitter a lot. It has yielded me some great connections, sold some CDs, and made me fans. Of course I have a Facebook fan page too, but Twitter seems to work better for me; I like the constant contact. This brings me to my most important “marketing” strategy: which is to make real connections with warm bodies at live shows! I like to actually sit and engage people who come out, really get to know them a little bit. Sometimes this can be a little overwhelming, and sometimes people take it to the extreme, but overall it has been my greatest asset as far as making people see that I’m a real person and am interested in what they have to say.

Toyota Mommy Blogger PR Debacle to Be Topic for Marketing Strategist Shelly Kramer

“We’ll look at the dangers of working with inexperienced bloggers and the damage that could happen to you and your brand as a result. And we’ll also discuss best practices in brand crisis management in general, including how your PR and social teams must work together and how dealing with crises in real time can make all the difference in the world,” she said.