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We do a somewhat irregularly-published e-newsletter (aka eblast)–but when we do it’s usually pretty cool. Info, tips and fun stuff galore.
So if you want to sign up, go to our homepage:
Then look for this box in the lower right corner:
…and enter your email addy. We don’t send out more than one e-newsletter a month (usually less than that), but you can get some inside skinny you won’t find anywhere else plus the occasional special perk.
Another option–and this is more frequent than the eblast–you can get an email every time we publish a new blog post. Just go to the homepage and find this box at the upper right corner:
…add your email address and you’ll be notified every time we post something on the AlexanderG Whiz blog. You’ll note also that above that box is a convenient search box–you can look for that great post we did on Lawyers Vs. PR, for example, just by typing in the search terms. Below the subscribe box are handy links to find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even sign up for the RSS feed.
So, those are some easy ways to keep up with what we’re doing here. We hope you’ll sign up if you haven’t already done so. It’s a blast.