Gigabit City A Little Closer Now
Our friends at The Brainzooming Group did a phenomenal job of facilitating the an effort by Kansas City social media users to strategize ways to capitalize on being first to receive Google’s ultra-high speed fiber. Working with the Social Media Club of Kansas City, “Building the Gigabit City: Brainstorming A Google Fiber Roadmap” was a tremendous first step. Check out this news report:
Mike Brown, founder of The Brainzooming Group, volunteered to fully donate the company’s innovation services and the Brainzooming Methodology to the session that brought together more than 80 individuals from SMCKC as well as the broader community—a combination of visionary entrepreneurs, developers, business leaders and creators.
Though this is only the beginning of a long road to success, we commend The Brainzooming Group and Social Media Club of Kansas City for making this “first step” on the road to Gigabit City a reality.
Disclosure: The Brainzooming Group is a client of AlexanderG Public Relations.