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How Drones Can Be Used Commercially

Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, are doing some great things for exiting businesses and even making pathways for brand new ones. They can be used to improve marketing and media coverage and help with responding to emergencies; in short, drones are pretty nifty things. 

Obviously, before you decide to take the plunge and invest in a drone from your business, from somewhere like, you need to do a little bit of research into the rules and regulations surrounding using a drone. The FAA relaxed some of the restrictions quite recently, making them more accessible to the general public than ever. However, for obvious reasons, there are still things to think about, and you don’t want to get one to find it is no good for you, so read up around the rules first.

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How they can benefit business and commercial enterprises?

Increased job productivity and efficiency, reducing workload and production costs, improving accuracy, the refining of services and customer relations, and resolving security issues on a large scale are just a few of the many benefits drones provide commercial enterprises across the world. 

Drone technology adoption across industries jumped from the gimmick stage to adoption stage fairly quickly as more and more businesses realized its potential, scope, and international presence.

Whether controlled by a remote or accessed via a smartphone app, these UMA have the ability to reach the most remote areas with little to no personnel and the least amount of effort, time, and resources.

This is one of the primary reasons they are being adopted globally, particularly by the military, commercial, personal, and future technology sectors.

How can you use a drone commercially?

Businesses have primarily used drones for video and photography, particularly for marketing purposes, but there are many other applications of drone technology that may surprise you. Drones are a multipurpose tool that has the capability to turn the way businesses do things on their heads – quite literally, in some cases!

Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you could use a drone or a UMV in business.


One of the most obvious ways to use a drone is to provide media coverage. Aerial footage was exclusively available to large news organizations that could afford a helicopter to hover overhead. Aerial video can now be easily captured for news coverage by local journalists and small-scale media sources.

Furthermore, drones can get into tight quarters and travel closer to the ground than a news helicopter could ever even attempt to. Even routine things, such as videoing a face-to-face exchange can be made more vibrant and engaging by having a camera-equipped drone loom nearby.

Monitoring the environment

Drones can be used to screen ecological environments in the same way that farmers use them to monitor plants and livestock. Drone devices are quiet and can observe animal populations without unsettling them. This type of monitoring offers useful information into conservation programs, migratory monitoring, landscape management, and flood evaluation, which is especially useful in coastal areas.

A UMV can also provide information on the wellbeing of foliage and animal populaces, and the technology has the distinctive capacity to spot lifeforms in difficult-to-reach locations.


Drones are also being used by engineering firms on complex projects such as pipelines for oil, transmissions cables and maintenance checks.

Engineering companies work on projects such as construction and maintenance of roads and highways,  airport planning, and infrastructure development. When it comes to inspecting work, the use of drones can significantly speed up the process, increasing efficiency.


Drones for delivering parcels and other types of goods are attracting significant investment from some of the world’s most powerful companies. With Amazon, Walmart, UPS, Google, and other global mailing companies investing in drone delivery projects, it is only a question of time before their drone parcel delivery service goals become a reality. 

Real estate

Residential listing agents can use drones to make great video tours of their properties. Using a drone to capture video footage of large properties makes it easier to record areas that may be difficult to reach on foot during a showing.

Home service companies can also benefit. Exterior home inspections can now be performed using a drone, which saves time and money.


Drone surveillance has already made headlines due to its use to safeguard the United States’ border with Mexico. Criminals have been tracked and apprehended using drones. Drones are also used in combat zones to track down escapees and insurgents.

Drones can assist schools, colleges, and universities in observing campuses, identifying unusual activity and perceived threats, and immediately sending help signals to school officials and law enforcement officials.

Using drones to accompany employees to their cars and trucks at night, or even providing full-time surveillance of parking lots and systems, can help reduce offenses.

Search and rescue

Drones were introduced in 2014 as an important tool for finding people in areas devastated by fire, floods, or other catastrophic events. Drones can be outfitted with infrared sensors, which can be used to locate living beings in remote areas based on their thermal signature. Streaming video can be used to visually identify people in distress, and GPS data allows rescue personnel to pinpoint their location.

Land surveillance

Drones have made it possible to conduct site surveys with greater accuracy and in less time. Drones can be programmed to fly over hundreds of acres, take photos and videos, map elevation changes, detect water and water flow patterns, trace the presence of various minerals and resources, and so on. Because the data is more compact, it can be analyzed and processed in less time.

Hundreds of new uses for drones are being developed as a result of the numerous investments being pumped into this upcoming industry on a daily basis. 

How could you use drones in your business?

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