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How to Set Up a Solid Social Media Campaign

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If you would like to crack the code of social media marketing, chances are that your first campaign will not get you immediate results. You will need to measure everything and make sure that you know everything about your potential customers and your competitors as humanly possible. Most importantly, however, take into consideration that people like insider information and they would rather buy from a real person than from the company. And this is where the power of social media campaigns lies. Find out more below.

Know Your Audience

The first thing you will need to do is get to know the people you are talking to on social media through your posts and your ads. You can engage with people who are members of different communities and groups on various sites, as well as do your surveys and get them to complete a questionnaire, so you can improve your messages and learn to speak your target market’s language, tailoring your products and marketing around their needs.

Identify the Most Effective Platforms

Image via Marc Schäfer@marcschaefer

It is important that you find out where your audience is hanging out, so you can reach them more effectively. If you are in a business-to-business industry, chances are that you will need to work on your LinkedIn strategy, but if you are a designer, Instagram and Pinterest will get you better results. It is easy to find out where you should advertise your business; simply look through various platforms and search for posts related to your business.

Create News

If you would like to grab the attention of your audience, you will need to create a newsworthy post or two. You can subscribe to industry updates on organizations’ sites, or maybe create an alert in Google News. This will help you find content that people will react to and share. This is a simple way of getting more likes and appearing more relevant to your audience’s interest and preferences. If you work in the road safety industry, for example, you might publish updates on accident statistics on your social media platform regularly.

Brand Storytelling

If there is one thing that social media will certainly help you with, it is telling your brand’s story online. People are curious and want to be let in behind the scenes. If you can create powerful brand messages, you will be able to connect with your audience on a personal level and make them feel like they’ve known you for ages. You can create infographics to tell them what your brand stands for or a video that allows them to find out more about your personal and professional mission.

Personal Engagement

Image via rawpixel@rawpixel

It is important that you pay attention to the personal aspect of your social media account. If you connect with new people on LinkedIn or through your Facebook page, you should thank them for the follow and let them know what you offer and how they can benefit from engaging with you. It is crucial that you earn your social media followers and engage with them, instead of using cheap services to add people to your pages to improve your statistics.

Find Your Unique Selling Proposition

One of the things that small business owners forget about is creating a unique selling proposition. You need to make your brand stand out from the crowd, and answer the questions people might have; what is in it for me and why should I buy from you and not someone else? If you can create a powerful USP, you can improve your engagement and make sure that people find you relevant to their needs. Don’t try to impress everyone; focus on your most profitable niche.

Stay Consistent

Image via Georgia de Lotz@georgiadelotz

If you would like to build a powerful brand image through social media, you will need a consistent presence and message. You have to talk about your branding with a professional Digital Marketing Agency to find out what you can do to standardize your logo, brand colors, and other aspects of your marketing, so your social media content can be easily recognized by your target market.  

Stay Approachable

Social media will never be an effective marketing tool if you are using robots. You will need to stay in touch with your followers and connections and make sure that you are ready to answer all the messages in time. Set up an auto-response system on your accounts, and monitor comments, respond to queries, and discuss issues with your audience in forums and social media groups.

Earn Trust

One of the hardest things you will need to do when creating social media posts and designing your marketing campaign is earning the trust of your potential buyers. You have to show what you do, and how your clients are benefiting from the products or services you offer. You can only earn trust by publishing testimonials, asking people to leave feedback, recommendation, and rating. Otherwise, your social media followers will not be sure they can trust you with their business. You can also publish updates of testimonials and projects to show how you improve people’s lives.

Create Social Proof

While earning trust is a challenge, if you create social proof through your campaigns, it will get easier. You need to create quality content and engaging posts so people will know that you are reliable and consistent. Get people to share your content, recommend you, and mention you on their blog or social media accounts. This will help you improve your marketing and your overall conversion rates. Social proof through before and after images, video testimonials should be a part of your social media campaign and strategy.

If you would like to get the best return on investment out of your social media campaign, you will need to ensure that you do your research and choose the right type of content and platforms to reach out to your potential customers. Learn from your competition, but also find your unique voice and your USP. Create consistent brand messages, and set clear goals to utilize social media in your marketing.

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