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Target Acquired: Locking On To The Right Customer

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When you start a business, everyone looks like a target. As long as they invest in the brand, then they are valued shoppers. However, it quickly becomes apparent some people won’t bother no matter how hard you try. You continue to attempt to convert them, but it’s a waste of time. It’s much more efficient to market to the consumers who are likely to spend their money.

The problem is, how do you know which individuals are ripe for picking? It’s not as if you can tell by looking at them. To help, here are four general tips which are proven to work.

Delve Into The Data

The first thing you need to do is figure out the demographic for the product or service. Are men or women more likely to make a purchase? What age group will they belong to? Are they younger or older? The only way to find out is to use the information you’ve collected through your qualitative and quantitative research. Certain groups will answer positively, and they are the ones who are interested in the brand. Also, don’t forget to use social media. Followers are conversions but in digital form, so break them down into demographics too. A poll is an excellent way to gain insight into their thinking.

Invest In Automation

Of course, you can always offload the job to an intelligent computer program. As the-robots-are-coming as it seems, the truth is that AI is a huge part of the industry nowadays. In fact, your email newsletters can trigger themselves without any input from the hierarchy. Although this is dangerous, the software uses previous and current interactions to decide whether a person is a match. If they tick the boxes, then the email lands in their inbox and you may have a new lead. Some programs even test the subject line to improve click-through rate.

Analyze The Product

You don’t have to be a genius to see who is going to “get” the concept. For the most part, it’s easy to put people into categories based on what you are selling. Take YouTube. As a rule, males between the ages of 18-30 use the platform more than any other, and YouTube has billions of hits per day. So, what does the item say when you look at it? Is there a particular shopper who will see the wow factor? The odds are high that there is and that you should tap into this individual.

And The Competition

Understanding their client base will give you a fantastic insight into who is already on board. However, you can go one better by analyzing the gaps in the market and targeting those people. To do this, you’ll need to research their strengths and weaknesses and come up with an original, unique plan. Plagiarizing doesn’t work. Hopefully, your method will be better than what they have to offer because you will build on their foundations.

Once you’ve done the above, you’ll be ready to lock and load. So, what are you waiting for?

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