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The Best Ways To Get People Sharing Your Social Media Content


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There are a lot of businesses that take the plunge into the world of social media and expect instant success. They’re offering important information to followers but can’t understand why it doesn’t get shared. Social media doesn’t always conform to what you want it to do. In fact, you’ll probably find that your business will start trending over the strangest of posts. There are a few things you can do to encourage social media shares, however. Here are some of them.

Interact With People

It’s all well and good talking about your business, but that doesn’t encourage activity on a customer’s part. Let’s take an example. You might say something like “We just sold our 50th car of the day.” While that’s great and everything, it’s not exactly share-worthy. Instead, why not go with something like this? “We just sold our 50th car of the day. Will you be #51? Let us know what car you’d pick!” By interacting with your customers, you might just get more responses and more shares.


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Visually Engage

Social media has shifted over the years. While it once used to be very text-based, it’s now much more visual. Customers look to images and videos for enticing content, rather than dull text. This type of online marketing can be used for restaurants, designers and more. In fact, any business should benefit from it in some manner. Got a perfect picture of the most luxurious restaurant dessert on your menu? Post it online, and watch the shares roll in.

Understand Your Audience

What’s your audience? Is it young people? Is it old people? Is it people who have a specific interest in something? You can use social media analytics to help you determine this if you’re struggling. The audience you’re targeting directly affects the way you should strategize your social media output. Don’t go all corporate speak on them, either. Social media is a place to be entertained, not lectured.


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Find A Way To Add Value

OK, so this is a little vague. We’re going to point to that example I used earlier with the car-selling strategy. While it was a good idea, it could be enhanced further. You see, value is just as important as interaction. What is it about your post that actually captures someone’s interest? Does it make them laugh? Does it make them sad? Does it surprise them with information they didn’t know? It’s beneficial to find a way of adding value to a post if you want to encourage more shares.

Run Competitions

Here’s your easy way out of all the tips we mentioned above. If you want instant shares, you can get them through the medium of competitions. You need to be a little clever about this, however. Set up a prize for the winner in the first instance. Then, develop a tactic where people must share the post on social media for a chance of winning. It won’t be long until you start getting multiple shares and increasing brand awareness. It’s easy, but it’s not a long-term strategy.


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