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The Top Three Tips To Help Get Your Team Motivated

If you run your own business, or are head of a large team, it’s likely that you know the importance of productivity. In a world where it can often be difficult to strike a work/life balance, productivity during the working day is essential. The more you get done at work, the more time you will have to relax with your family or enjoy your hobbies. But, like many things, becoming more productive can be easier said than done. One of these things is transferring your work ethic across to your staff. If you’re not getting the most out of your employees and they aren’t feeling motivated, it can affect the whole company. Thankfully, there are ways you can motivate your staff into having a more productive day at work.

Start the day right

You probably get flashbacks to your mother telling you the importance of eating breakfast before school. But the thing is, she was right! Eating a good breakfast, even if you don’t feel like it at the time, can set everyone up for a much better day. That being said, it is extremely likely that a large proportion of your team actually come to work on an empty stomach. This can be bad news for you as when your staff’s energy levels start to slack, so will their productivity. Encourage them to use the staff canteen in the morning. Or if you don’t have access to a canteen, consider putting on a breakfast spread each day. It doesn’t have to be anything that will cost you a fortune – some pastries and fruit can do the job. If this isn’t an option, consider buying a staff toaster so your team can fill up on some carbs before the day begins. Once it becomes habit, even the most prolific breakfast-skippers will need something to eat before work starts.


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Have a tidy workspace

You’ve probably wandered around the office and noticed a few questionable looking workstations. A cluttered, messy workspace does nothing for our productivity levels. Aside from it being difficult to find things that you need on your desk, it can also distract you from your actual work if you feel a need to clean. Encourage your staff to keep their workspaces tidy and organized by providing folders. If this isn’t possible, try stating that they are mandatory when hiring new members of staff. You can also go a step further by providing your staff with corporate branded gifts from companies such as Clocks, desk organizers and pens are all good options for this kind of thing as they will increase organization and productivity. Plus, who doesn’t love a gift? They also have the added benefit of promoting the brand and the fact that your staff are part of a team.

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Use the two minute rule

This now famous rule was first implemented by entrepreneur Steve Olenski. There’s no reason why you can’t implement it in your office too! In basic terms, it is as follows. If someone on your team thinks of a task which can be done in less than two minutes, they should do it immediately. This could be anything from replying to an email, to finishing a spreadsheet, to making a co-worker that cup of coffee they owe her. According to users of the rule, completing the two minute task as imminently rather than doing it later ultimately saves you time. It can also help stop multitasking, which is one of the biggest productivity killers around. Studies suggest that juggling two or three different tasks at once can result in lost time. It is better to complete one project and then move onto the other separately. Utilize a training day to explain this rule to your staff and how it could help them.

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