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The Ultimate Guide To Having a Fuss Free Office Move


Moving to a new office can start as exciting. You have big dreams for the finished product. You and your employees working hard and thriving in your brand new, shiny perfectly organized environment. 

Then you realize that just like a home move, an office move can be stressful! From logistics to floor layouts to employee satisfaction, there are a variety of things that have to be taken into consideration when planning. 

We’ve made a list of everything you need to get ready for stress and fuss-free office move. 

Step 1: Plan 

Firstly figure out where and how to start planning all your moving ideas, Keeping track of all these items will help you in the long run as when the move starts it’ll be difficult to locate randoms bits of paper and notes scribbled on notepads and will only add to the chaos. If you can set up a to-list and notes section in Google Drive. That way you can always access it and your employees can have a look to and even input their suggestions, so everyone feels on board and included. 

Organize key documents that you will need almost immediate access to once the move is complete. This includes contracts, supplier contacts, insurance documents, and any other important documentation. 

Next, plan when and how you will announce the move. Create a comprehensive document with all the key information that your employees and clients may need or want to ask. The key to preventing chaos and worry is to preempt any questions they may have and to answer them fully.  It may be advisable to let the news settle in for a few days or weeks and then approach employees to get their feedback relating to the move. This could be things about workspace needs to questions about the new commute. Then meet with your managerial team to strategize any workflow requirements when it comes to the moving day. 

Step 2: Packing and Preparing

Now is the time to start researching some of the requirements you’ll need to complete your move. Have a look into movers or moving crews that specialize in commercial removals as well as the costings for boxes, packing tape, and other moving-related accessories. Ideally, look for movers that can help you from start to finish, as this can save you a lot of extra work in the long run. 

Once all of that is sorted, do a few test runs of your new space. Take notes of things that you need or would like to do to upgrade the space. Would the concrete be better covered with epoxy floor coatings, do you need better lighting or even a better floor layout than you had originally planned? 

Step 3- Moving Day 

Today is the day. Make sure all your boxes are clearly labeled and packed securely. Brief your employees to make sure they have a clear idea of how the day will map out. Finally, have one last run-through with your movers to make sure they know where they’re going and know where to place all the boxes. 

Hopefully, if you follow these steps your office move should go without a hitch!

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