Can We Always Trust What We Hear?
Can you always trust what you hear? Check out this video. It’s not baaaaad.
But seriously–taken in a broader context, communicators should take this effect into consideration when crafting messages, staging presentations and other events. Why? Because we can’t help but integrate visual speech into what we ‘hear’.
The McGurk effect shows that visual articulatory information is integrated into our perception of speech automatically and unconsciously. The syllable that we perceive depends on the strength of the auditory and visual information, and whether some compromise can be achieved. Regardless, integration of the discrepant audiovisual speech syllables is effortless and mandatory. Our speech function makes use of all types of relevant information, regardless of the modality. In fact, there is some evidence that the brain treats visual speech information as if it is auditory speech.–Via this site. Click here for more on the effect.
Hat tip to our pal Samantha for sharing this video!