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Why Going Green Shouldn’t Be A Matter Of Choice In Your Business


We are assuming that your business has gone green already. There are some very good reasons why you should, as we will discuss in a moment. But then again, you might still be dragging your feet, perhaps with an excuse to back up your argument as to why you haven’t.

You might mention the costs of going green, for example, which can be high if you need to replace the technology in your business or modify your business premises in any way. Or you might complain about the time it takes to research eco-friendly practices, which, especially if you’re busy on a day-to-day basis, could eat into your productivity.

And while we understand both of those excuses, you need to think about the pros of going green in business. You see, for the survivability of your business and the world at large, going green should no longer be a matter of choice. You should; it’s as simple as that!

Here are the reasons why you should go green.

#1: The world is in peril

You know this already, of course, as you can’t have failed to miss the media reports on air pollution, toxic waste, and climate change on the news. Businesses are partly responsible for the environmental problems in the world, thanks to the toxins and gasses that are released from their factories, and the way they improperly dispose of waste. These actions have proven catastrophic both to the world’s wildlife and to our own health. Check out this article on air pollution by the World Health Organization, for example. If we, as business owners, don’t commit to more sustainable practices, we will further bring the world to its knees. While we might escape the long-term consequences of this, our children and their children certainly won’t!

#2: Your business will rise above the competition

Businesses are living and dying as a direct result of the efforts (or lack of) to beat the competition. For the sake of survivability then, you need to stand out from your rivals. There are many ways to do this, from offering a better product to caring more for your customers, and you can also do this by going green. By doing so, you will be rewarded with more custom, as eco-conscious customers are more likely to use your business than your less ethical rivals. You will get better media attention too, which you won’t if you are found to be guilty of damaging the environment in any way. You will also be rewarded by those organizations who support those businesses who engage in green practices, such as the Green Building Council who offer green building certification to those businesses who take steps to improve energy efficiency and reduce water wastage. So, if you created good habits within your business, and implemented a water usage meter in your premises, you will receive recognition and consequently, have certified evidence of your ethical practices to prove to potential customers. That’s one in the eye for your business rivals!

#3: You will ultimately save money


While going green can be costly, in the long-term you should also make a profit. As examples of this, you might replace your old-fashioned light bulbs with smart LED lighting to cut down on energy costs and electricity usage, replace your business fleet with hybrid or electric vehicles to save on fuel and to reduce toxic emissions, and make use of the cloud to reduce paper and ink costs, and to further reduce energy. Going green is also about good habits, so to make further savings, you should do such things as turn lights off when natural daylight will do, and unplug appliances that aren’t going to be in use for a long period of time. There is more in this article on how going green can save your business money, so as any frugal business owner should, read and heed the ideas mentioned.

#4: You will have happier employees

Happy employees are productive employees, and that can only be good news for your business. Not only will they be happy because they know they are working for a company that cares for the environment, but if you take green steps to improve the air quality in your business premises, they will automatically feel better because of their improved health. You might also encourage telecommuting in your business, letting your employees work at home occasionally to both improve their work-life balance and to cut down on toxic emissions that occur during their time on the road. And by taking steps such as these, you will also gain the top hires, many of whom will be looking for eco-friendly businesses when looking for employment.


So, should your business go green? Your response should be a resounding yes, as there are many benefits to consider, including those we have listed here. If you have been dragging your feet then, perhaps you should consider the time and money it takes to go green as being worth it. You will improve the survivability rate of the world and your business if you do!

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