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Your Business Premises: What You Really Need

Choosing your business premises can be a really exciting step when you have started your own company. It may not be the first thing you do – it’s a great idea to work from home until you’re really secure enough to invest in an office – but once you reach that stage, you may feel as though you’ve really made it. Here are some tips that might help you decide what exactly you need from your new office.



The first thing you may consider is the location of where you want the office to be. Depending on where you live, you may have different requirements here. If you live in a big city where people mostly commute to work on the train or metro, you may want to make sure that the building is close to a central transport hub so that people will be able to get into work easily and won’t be put off applying for jobs with you because of your location. If networking and going to events is important to you and crucial to your success, that aspect of its location becomes even more important. If you live in a smaller area where people mostly drive to work, this may be less of an issue. In that case, it’s important to make sure that you find a building where there is plenty of parking, preferably free. You want to make coming into work as easy for people as possible.



The security of your building is something that you absolutely need to consider. Make sure that there is plenty of street lighting outside so that people don’t have to arrive and leave in the dark in the winter – this could be dangerous and even if nothing actually happens, your employees may feel extremely unsafe. If you’re on street level it’s a good idea to install rolling security shutters so that people can’t see into your office overnight. Many robberies are crimes of opportunity, so you don’t want to give people the opportunity to see whatever technology that you may be keeping in your office. It’s a good idea to have a door code that you change regularly, particularly when people leave the company, and if there are other companies working in the building it’s a good idea to get to know them so everybody feels comfortable with each other.



Finally, health is a hugely important aspect when you’re choosing your business premises. You need to ensure that you pick somewhere that you and your employees will be as healthy and happy as possible. This means that you need plenty of natural light and lots of ventilation so that people get fresh air during the day. It’s a good idea to pick an area where people feel happy going out at lunchtime for a walk or for some air. When it comes to the decor of the office, get some plants – and remember to water them because nothing is more depressing than a half-dead plant – and make sure that you keep the space clear and bright.

These tips should help you get exactly what you need from your business space.

Partnered Content.

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